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Life is a Journey... Faith sets the Direction

Monday, August 23, 2010

Mind the Gap

Americans refer to the underground trains that run the labyrinths of tunnels beneath our metropolises as subways.  Londoners affectionately call theirs the Tube.  Anyone reading who has spent time in the Tube already hears the voice; "Mind the Gap." 

Though veteran Londoners have long sense become desensitized to it, any visitor to London's Tube is left with the audible imprint of the polite yet authoritative British voice.  The voice speaks to riders just before each stop (or on the platform as one awaits the incoming train).  "Mind the Gap."

I encountered the voice on my first (and only) trip to London about 15 years ago, and I still manage to bring "Mind the Gap" into conversation at least once a week.  That could be due to the fact that I have very little creative conversational ammunition; or it could be, as I believe, that the voice made its impression. 

The voice tells us to mind the gap because when riding the tube - or the American equivalent - there is a gap that must be minded.  The gap is the void that exists between the train door and the platform (or vice versa).  If one were not to mind the gap and step clumsily into this void, he would be horribly killed or disfigured (or at least twist an ankle) due to his lack of attention to the voice.  Therefore the rider is reminded again and again, stop after stop to "Mind the Gap." 

As leaders we are often unaware of our Gaps; or possibly worse, we are unconcerned by them.  This is a problem that cannot simply be chalked up to naiveté.  The Gap exists as the void between who we perceive ourselves to be and who we really are. Trust me, those whom we lead are aware of our Gaps even if we are not. 

I have also at times referred to the Gap as the Hypocrisy Gap.  This speaks more to the distance between what we believe and how we behave.  Character, or the lack thereof, is discovered both in the breadth of the Gap and the proactive and humble awareness of its existence; e.g. “I know it’s there and I am committed to working to close it.”  It is often well said that reputation is a reflection of how we are perceived by others, but character is who we really are - another example of the Gap.  Pride tends to gloss over our Gaps and makes us consciously or subconsciously unaware and unconcerned.  We see this scenario again and again on national and personal levels, often with tragic consequences.  Headlines and homes are filled with stories of those who have failed to Mind the Gap.

Even more subtly, and long before failure - or tumbling into the void, to keep with the metaphor - the leader’s Gap creates tension.  The pressure builds both internally and externally (the former most often leading to the latter).  This tension is the telltale sign that we are putting a foot out into the abyss, where there is no platform or train.  The unspoken tension manifests itself in the teams we lead, eroding the foundations of communication, trust, and common vision.  The leader’s Gap creates dysfunction in multiple arenas when it is not Minded.

There is hope.  It is found in the simple yet profound statement, “Mind the Gap.”  The road to recovery begins through the tollgate of admission.  The leader must be humble and introspective enough to take inventory.  “Where are my Gaps?”  “How big are they?”  And, “What (undesirable) cultural effects are they creating in the teams I lead.”  If we are humble and persistent in asking - and those whom we ask have no fear of consequences - it won’t take long for the Gaps to present themselves.   The bigger the Gaps, and the longer they have been left unminded, the more difficult this process will be.  Trust, as Rome, is not built in a day, but burns easily.  However, authentic humility will eventually win the day.  These qualities – authenticity and humility – are the stuff of great leaders, and serve as the most important pillars in bridging the Gap.

I think all leaders need take a trip to London if for nothing else, to by a Mind the Gap t-shirt - they really are sold in about every souvenir shop.  We should wear them daily, probably in mirror image so that we can read them every time we take a look at ourselves.  After all, that is where true leadership begins – with a  look in the mirror; and a decision to Mind the Gap.

Monday, March 09, 2009

Cast of characters

We have met a cast of characters while on this adventure.  Rufus Luttig, who spoke at Birchwood in January, is the real deal when it comes to African hunter, missionary, host and liaison.  I told him at dinner one night on his “farm” that he would be the archetypal Great White Hunter except for his way too soft hands.  (We were all holding hands while praying and I couldn’t concentrate because of them).  I am a pastor and my hands are twice as rough and calloused.  It became a running joke.  Rufus would just laugh and say “Oooohhhhh!”  He explained that it was his gloves from America that made all the difference.  His wife Almarie is a picture of grace with strength.  They are an incredible pair. 

Michael is a bachelor living in Port St. Johns who adopted two Xhosa daughters.  He makes his living battling the torrent where the Umzimvubu River bangs into the Indian Ocean; taking brave (or naïve) groups along the Wild Coast.  Until that day I had never “surfed” in a boat.  Michael comes alive on the ocean.  He marvels at God’s glory in creation and testifies to his authentic relationship with the Maker.  

It was while we were out on his boat bouncing across the peaks and through the troughs of 2.5 – 3 meter swells (looked like three stories to me), that I realized some people know how to live.  Some people exist and some people live.  I think I pass a lot of my time somewhere in the middle.  I want to learn how to live!  Sorry if it sounds too much like a beer commercial moment.  But really, isn’t that what John is saying when he says of the incarnation, “In Jesus was life and his life was the light of men.”  No one has ever been more truly alive than Jesus - more fully engaged with the Father, with people and with his surroundings in every moment.  Something to think about when we let the moments just pass by.

Sunday, March 08, 2009


South Africa is a land of contrasts.  On our way to Addo Elephant Park we drove through the township of Motherwell (among others).  Townships are the very depressed areas outside of the major cities.  During the apartheid era, only whites could live in the cities and the townships were for the blacks that could enter the city only during specified times and with proper papers to work (serve). Across the road from the township is the most massive cemetery I’ve ever seen.  We didn’t get a chance to get out and walk through, but I’m told many (hundreds/thousands) of the graves are for the very young.  AIDS has taken and incredible toll on the black population of South Africa.  “The sickness” as it is called is a taboo subject; misinformation and superstition abound.  Upon our return the orange-yellow lights on tall poles dotted throughout the township cast the most eerie and haunting glow over the shanty houses that stretched as far as I could see.  The condition of the road and the attempt to concentrate on keeping left while sitting on the right side of the car kept me from spending as much time as I would have liked taking in the surreal panorama. 

We arrived back in Port Elizabeth and had Nandos fast food Indian cuisine.  I’m planning on opening a franchise in Lee’s Summit; I think it will go over fabulously.  From there it was to the hotel and a look over King’s and Hobie Beach as the Indian Ocean powerfully said farewell to the day.  As I said… Contrasts!

Friday, March 06, 2009

Port Elizabeth R&R

Abbey and I stayed behind the rest of the group a couple of days in Port Elizabeth before we start the long trek home Sunday.  We journeyed through Addo Elephant Park and will do a little shopping today.  And yes, the beach is about 100 yards from our hotel!
I'll start putting up some posts reflecting on this incredible experience soon.  I think they'll kind of bubble up and out.
I want to thank everyone for their prayer and support.  It's always difficult to know if something is life-changing until you have time to reflect upon the memorials and memories.  I believe this experience will prove to be life-changing but I'm hesitant to overuse and overused expression (although I think I just did).  
Back to you soon.  

Thursday, March 05, 2009

You've never seen anything like this

Jehovah-Jireh!  It means "God is my provider."  Abraham named the place where he almost sacrificed his son Jehovah-Jireh.  God provided a ram caught in a thicket to take the place of Isaac on the alter of sacrifice.  Jehovah-Jireh is the name of the orphanage in Port Alfred that is run by a wild-woman of faith named Molly.  Orphanages are officially against the law in South Africa, though the authorities reluctantly allow Jehovah-Jireh.  Schaun (with Oceans of Mercy) came across her after she had committed to God that she would never turn an orphan away.  By the way, she and her husband had only one child of their own at the time. Kevin Costner heard a voice say, "If you build it they will come."  Well, if you commit to take in orphans in Port Alfred in the Eastern Cape they will come.  Pictures cannot do justice.  (And you must not think with an American mindset about standards, codes, cleanliness, blah... blah... blah.  Life and love are better than death and neglect.)  Jehovah-Jireh houses anywhere between 75 - 100 children, many are infants.  All this in a home roughly the size of an American three bedroom ranch with a couple of rooms crudely added!   More children are left at the front gate every weekend because their parent(s) are drunk and there is no food.  It is a sight that cannot be explained, only experienced, smelled and felt.  After we left Roy mentioned that many of the littlest ones that we saw would probably not be there in the next year or two.  If God loves AIDS babies, I guess his people (his church) should too.


Adventure Africa!

Magwa Falls and KFC

Wrong side of the van - stay left (shift left)!

Bukwini Village (Sorry i can't get captions to match pics)


School lunch - no corndogs and fish sticks

Abbey's a big hit with the girls

Hippo Rollers to Bukwini

Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Finally some pics!

They call me Mister Pig!

Warning: parts of the following will be offensive to certain readers including card-carrying PETA members and those who wax nostalgic while singing “Akuna Matata” (think Lion King).

We woke to an incredible (over-used word this week) sunrise over the African hills at Rufus’ farm.  After breakfast it was off to hunt some wart hog.  If you were to see one of these satanic-looking little things I would not have to explain the following: We were hunting for meat to take to feed the Bible school students at Port Alfred’s.  We jumped into the safari seat in the back of the Landcruiser and bounced over the hills.  Rufus’ helper Fuyani, who has the most incredible “bush eyes”, spotted a couple of wart hogs and the stalk was on.  I shot one and when we got him back to the house all I heard was how cute he was (from some of the women) and how much smaller he was than the one Roy shot last year (from Roy… over and over again!).*  I reminded Roy I was shooting for Jesus and to feed the young men and women who were doing his work and that I gladly forwent the glory of a personal trophy for the tender meat of a younger smaller Satanic-looking animal. 

On the public road near Fort Bofurt we drove by an old game preserve.  We saw a giraffe and a pair of black rhinos just off the road. Like goofy Americans at a petting zoo, we all got out and walked toward them to get pictures.  One of the rhinos must have gotten aggravated and charged! We piled into the van just before he reached us.  Then he came after the van and caught the side door with a two-foot horn…

JUST KIDDING!  We did see them and get out – like goofs – but no charges.

We wrapped up the evening with an incredible dinner and reflection on the time in the village.  At this point, everyone is having difficulty articulating exactly what they’ve experienced and are feeling.  Tomorrow we’re off to visit the Bible school and Jehovah-Jireh orphanage.  CAN’T WAIT TO GET SOME PICTURES UP!  

*I saw the skull of Roy's pig and it was really big (but i still think he shot it for glory and not for Jesus)

Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Later that day...

What a day… to begin on the Indian Ocean and then have lunch at Magwa Falls.  We waded across a the upper stream and hiked up a bit.  The payoff was an unbelievable view of a 400 foot waterfall and gorge.  Careful – no rails or ropes here; i.e. no tourists.  Of all things we had KFC at Magwa Falls, Transkei, South Africa.  It tasted like chicken (unlike some of the things we ate in the village).  After an incredible lunch we said goodbye to our JAM friends and began the seven-hour drive (more like roller-coaster ride) to Rufus’ farm near Grahamstown.   Upon arrival we had a quick snack and crashed in our second real beds of the week.  

Monday, March 02, 2009

Lean in and take it like a man!

We made the drive into Port St. Johns last night and stayed at the Spotted Grunter. Wow… showers and real toilets! We met Michael Hale. Several years ago Michael packed up a couple of donkeys and hiked into the Transkei to do ministry. The faith I’ve run into is amazing & humbling. Michael took us on his boat, a 5.5 meter that is inflatable above the hull. You sit on the side and hang on! We put out in the Umzimvubu River at around 7am. The mouth of the Umzimvubu bashes into the Indian Ocean with a violence I’ve never seen. It takes skill and guts to select the right waves and troughs to negotiate passage. Michael reads the sets of waves, picks the right line and hits the throttle. Derek and I were seated near the bow; Michael said to us, “when we hit a big one, lean into it and take the impact like a man.” It was an incredible ride. We went 20 kilometers down the Wild Coast. I now understand why it earned the name. Several times bottlenose and common dolphins swam in front of the boat or jumped around us as sea birds dived like bombs falling into the water. I wish I could describe the rugged beauty of the untouched coast.
Next its off to Lusikisiki to meet up with the JAM folks for a KFC lunch.
