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Life is a Journey... Faith sets the Direction

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Bukwini village day

The day began with the Hippo Roller ( crew coming down from Johannesburg to film the distribution of the Hippos to the care workers - mamas (mature women) who take care of orphans.  It took several hours.  Some of our team began work in the school while that was going on and will be doing AIDS education in the classes tomorrow.

 The village “committee,” or elders met with Roy, Rufus, Gerhardt of Jambalani African Mission (JAM) and I this afternoon and the high chief wants to meet with us tomorrow to officially welcome us.  When they meet one person stands and speaks at a time, then someone else stands and responds – they are very formal. 

 We played soccer and other games with the children for a couple of hours.  Abbey is an attraction to the girls of the village.  They gather around her everywhere we go.  At one point I saw a crowd and wandered over to find several of them braiding her hair.    

 Day one ended with us showing the Jesus Film under the stars – very strange to hear Jesus speaking Xhosa.  Everyone knows he spoke English… right? (And with a formal British accent).  Speaking of Xhosa, I keep asking children their names and watch as they bust out laughing when I try to repeat it.  My Okie mouth and tongue can’t make the clicking sounds work. 

 Pray for us.  Most of our team is already red – the African sun is different – and the jet lag has not worn off yet.  Hopefully tomorrow.  I’ll post when I can.  Recharging batteries is proving to be the most difficult thing; that and being completely grungy!                        David  

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